Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How to develop tolerance?

As i explained earlier, Tolerance is a continuous process. How do we
achieve it is the question. I will list here few actions that will
achieve tolerane. How much and how often to perform these activities
is a unique formula for every person. Remember, as I explained earlier
in my blog, the ultimate goal is to achieve the rate of expansion of
our mind landcape greater than the rate of incoming negatives.

Road to tolerance:
- develop a hobby - work we do to support our family could be
exhausting and may not necessarily contribute to the expansion of the
mind-landscape on the contrary in some cases it may contribute to the
negatives . That is however something all of us have to do. So develop
a hobby that will let you do something you like.
- be humorous
- socialize with friends
- say a daily prayer
- do daily yoga
- watch movies/tv if that works for you - a word of caution here there
is a difference between enjoying tv and sitting lithargically in front
of it. Lithargy is a state that contributes to the negatives. So pay
- eat food you enjoy
- avoid any kind of obsession - that is big contributor to negatives
- do social work - again a gental reminder that your family Is the
first priority and something has to be done regardless which part of
landscape it occupies - you are the creator/owner/participant of your
- play sports
- don't hurt others - everytime you hurt someone that hurt will occupy
your landscape forever!
- be nice to others
- be forgiving - revenge will only occupy negative terratory
- help others
- do the best you can with everything you do - that I gave 100% - and
will occupy postive territory a big time

The Ace


With peace comes a state where we find ourselves content, achieved and
fulfilled. This is happiness.

The Ace


With tolerance comes a state of the landscape of our mind where
negatives occupy only a small portion of it. The greater portion is
occupied by positives. This brings peace to us.

The Ace

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I believe Tolerance is one of the most essential pillars of good life.
In our day to day life we face many obstacles - some emotional and
some materialistic -it is not always possible to overcome them no
matter how hard we try - mainly due to our own limitations and others
due to our lack of control on our surroundings. These failures create
negative impact on us. And could very well occupy the landscape of our
mind. Tolerance is expanding the landscape of our mind itself to such
an extent that these negatives then occupy only a small portion of it!

Naturally we need to keep expanding the landscpae of our mind at a
rate greater than the rate of incoming negatives. At minimum keep
these rates equal.
