Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How to develop tolerance?

As i explained earlier, Tolerance is a continuous process. How do we
achieve it is the question. I will list here few actions that will
achieve tolerane. How much and how often to perform these activities
is a unique formula for every person. Remember, as I explained earlier
in my blog, the ultimate goal is to achieve the rate of expansion of
our mind landcape greater than the rate of incoming negatives.

Road to tolerance:
- develop a hobby - work we do to support our family could be
exhausting and may not necessarily contribute to the expansion of the
mind-landscape on the contrary in some cases it may contribute to the
negatives . That is however something all of us have to do. So develop
a hobby that will let you do something you like.
- be humorous
- socialize with friends
- say a daily prayer
- do daily yoga
- watch movies/tv if that works for you - a word of caution here there
is a difference between enjoying tv and sitting lithargically in front
of it. Lithargy is a state that contributes to the negatives. So pay
- eat food you enjoy
- avoid any kind of obsession - that is big contributor to negatives
- do social work - again a gental reminder that your family Is the
first priority and something has to be done regardless which part of
landscape it occupies - you are the creator/owner/participant of your
- play sports
- don't hurt others - everytime you hurt someone that hurt will occupy
your landscape forever!
- be nice to others
- be forgiving - revenge will only occupy negative terratory
- help others
- do the best you can with everything you do - that I gave 100% - and
will occupy postive territory a big time

The Ace


With peace comes a state where we find ourselves content, achieved and
fulfilled. This is happiness.

The Ace


With tolerance comes a state of the landscape of our mind where
negatives occupy only a small portion of it. The greater portion is
occupied by positives. This brings peace to us.

The Ace