Monday, May 3, 2021

Raja Update 5.3.21


Dear Sandeep,

We hope all is well with you and your family, and that you are safe and healthy.

On Monday, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi appeared on CNN and urged the Biden administration to send our unused vaccine stores to countries like India that need them right now. "We have tens of millions of doses of unused AstraZeneca vaccines sitting in warehouses. We're not going to be using them. We need to get those out the door to countries like India and other places. It's not only the right thing to do, but the covid fires are raging in India, Argentina, Brazil, and other places. We need to put those fires out where they are or it will come back to burn us here and start another wave of covid in the United States."

The Congressman was also interviewed by MSNBC over the federal investigation into Rudy Giuliani. "What's really at the heart of this particular investigation is whether he successfully orchestrated the removal of a very successful ambassador, Marie Yovanovitch, in return for potentially money as well as dirt on the Biden's from corrupt Ukrainian officials."

ABC 7 covered Congressman Krishnamoorthi's press conference on the new construction project on I-490. "That's a big deal because we are finally allowing people to connect from I-90 all the way down to the southern suburbs without having to go through the airport corridor, and that's going to help in a lot of ways. It's going to save congestion, it's going to save fuel, it's going to save money."

We will continue to bring you news about Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi's work in D.C. and Illinois. 

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Team Raja





Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

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