Monday, December 20, 2021

Raja Update 12/20


Dear Sandeep,

We hope all is well with you and your family, and that you are safe and healthy.


This week Congressman Krishnamoorthi joined MSNBC's Chris Hayes to discuss a report from the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, of which the Congressman is a member, that concluded the Trump administration made deliberate efforts to undermine the response to COVID. The Congressman told Hayes: "Not only did the Trump administration not prepare for COVID even when they knew about it, not only did they pursue quack solutions... but they actively silenced truth-tellers in the government and scientists who were trying to give briefings to the public." 

Congressman Krishnamoorthi appeared on CBS television to speak about a dangerous loophole that e-cigarette manufacturers are using in order to continue selling their harmful products. By using synthetic tobacco instead of traditional tobacco leaves for their product, the tobacco makers argue they are not subject to the FDA's rules for tobacco products. The Congressman provided clarity on this subject, telling CBS that "The FDA has just been slow, and tentative, and now they're being punked by two 27 year olds. When I go to their (PuffBar) website, I see strawberry banana... I know exactly who they're appealing to, it's mainly kids." 

The Congressman spoke with MSNBC anchor Lindsey Reiser this week about the House vote to hold former Trump administration Chief of Staff Mark Meadows in contempt for his connection to the events on January 6th. When asked about what question the Congressman might ask relevant officials about the insurrection, Congressman Krishnamoorthi responded, "The biggest questions that people like myself and others who lived through January 6th is: why did it take so long for there to be a response once we knew exactly what was happening at the Capitol, and what did people like Cuccinelli and others know in the run-up to January 6th?" 

Congressman Krishnamoorthi also joined ESPN anchors this week to speak about his ongoing investigation of pervasive sexual harassment in the Washington Football Team workplace. When the Congressman was asked about the NFL handling of the investigation. "It hasn't been transparent in the least, one of the most unusual aspects of this investigation is that the NFL basically ordered the investigator not to document her findings... this of course flies in the face of all the other investigations that the NFL has conducted over the years." 

We will continue to bring you news about Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi's work in D.C. and Illinois. 
Please visit for more updates as well.

Team Raja



Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

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