Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Raja Update 5/31


Dear Friend,

We hope all is well with you and your family, and that you are safe and healthy. We also hope you had a terrific holiday weekend.

This week, after the tragic shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas Congressman Raja joined host Brian Mackey on Illinois' Public Media's '217 Today' broadcast, and Brian asked the Congressman about the findings of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform investigation into another mass shooting three years ago. The Congressman told Brian, "What came of it is we voted for various pieces of gun control measures in the House, [they] passed, and then [they] went to the Senate to die. Every single one of these measures has been filibustered including what's called a bipartisan background checks act, HR8, which by the way has the support of 90% of gun owners in America... that's really where most of our legislative attention needs to be focused..." 

The Congressman also joined Chicago Tonight, along with Representative Danny Davis and Representative Robin Kelly for an on-air roundtable on the Uvalde shooting among other issues. The host asked Congressman Raja about the partisan upheaval in DC, and what is needed to bridge divides on the gun control issue legislation. Congressman Krishnamoorthi said that, "Well first of all I think all of us are thinking about the families tonight, it eerily resembles Sandy Hook, and unfortunately we thought that would be the catalyst for action and that did not result in gun reform laws... I think our inaction is recklessly leading to these horrible tragedies. What's actually going to bridge the divide: ending the filibuster in the Senate for one... it is now used as a tool for obstruction rather than protecting anybody's rights... In this case it's obstructing legislation that would be supported by the vast majority of American citizens. The second thing I would say is that we have to hold people accountable when they run for office, on this particular issue." 

Later in the broadcast, the roundtable discussed foreign policy. Congressman Raja was asked about former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's comment that the Ukrainian should concede territory to Russia to end the war. The Congressman said, "I think it's up to the Ukrainian people to decide that question, specifically Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his administration which has just heroically led Ukraine. We will support the Ukrainians in whatever decision they end up making. The Ukrainian people at this point have so fiercely and courageously defended themselves and fought off the Russians in many parts of the country and they are fiercely in the fight in the East and the South that I think we have to stick with them….I'm so glad we passed legislation to provide them with additional heavy armaments and weaponry. At the end of the day, whatever is decided at the negotiating table will hinge on the results on the battlefield, and so we have to make sure Ukrainians prevail or have the advantage on the battlefield even as they decide the final terms of whatever the future holds for them with the Russians. 

The Congressman spoke with host of WGN Radio Lisa Dent to discuss the severe undercounting of Illinois citizens during the census and what that means for the amount of funds allocated to the state. Congressman Raja explained, "That's right, it looks like we were undercounted to the tune of a quarter million people. Some experts estimate that over a decade, so over ten years, it could mean as much as one billion dollars in federal dollars not flowing to Illinois because of that... Experts point to two sources of concern that might have plagued the counting in Illinois. One was the proposed citizenship questions that the Trump administration wanted to include in the census originally, and that ultimately got removed, but folks believe that might have intimidated people from being counted or filling out the census forms. The second is, we were just in a pandemic, so everything was unconventional about the count. So, I think those two factors may have played a role but I'm still waiting on answers to the questions I posed to the bureau." 

We will continue to bring you news about Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi's work in D.C. and Illinois.
Please visit rajaforcongress.com for more updates as well.

Team Raja

Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

only asking for $5

Sandeep, I wanted to reach out directly for your support of $5 for stamps before my End of Month deadline. Here's why:

Your $5 will go directly to:

  1. Informing voters about our critical work in Congress
  2. Strengthening the USPS after Donald Trump and Dejoy eviscerated their workforce
  3. Protect and elect a bigger and stronger Democratic Majority

With only five seats between protecting our Majority or letting Republicans take back the reins, every cent counts. Your $5 will do more than you know: helping protect our Majority AND saving the USPS. If you can spare just $5, can you chip in before midnight? >>

Sandeep, I fought Trump's postmaster general Dejoy for his work harming the USPS.

Now Biden has officially ousted Trump's officials from the USPS Board.

Dejoy will have to answer to Democrats for his negligence.

Yet, many workers and post offices are still suffering massive delivery delays because of Dejoy's cuts.

I'm determined to save the USPS and defeat Republicans this midterm.

That's why I'm only asking for your $5 to help reach the voters we need to protect our Democratic Majority and the USPS. Will you help out and chip in before midnight? >>

Chip in $337.50 immediately >>
Chip in $19 immediately >>
Chip in $24 immediately >>
Chip in $50 immediately >>
Chip in $100 immediately >>
Or chip in another amount >>

Thank you,

Raja represents Illinois in Congress.

The son of Indian immigrants, Raja grew up for a time on food stamps and in public housing. He knows the struggles countless Americans face every day.

Now, Raja is leading the fight in Congress on prescription drugs, climate change, election reform, and a more inclusive economy.

But Republican special interests are funneling cash to defeat strong Democrats like Raja.

He's counting on grassroots supporters to keep this campaign running strong.

Can we count on you to chip in $10 so Raja can keep up the good fight in Congress?

Paid for by Friends of Raja

Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

If you believe you received this message in error or wish to no longer receive email from us, please unsubscribe.

Monday, May 30, 2022

RE: Roe v. Wade

Sandeep, I am absolutely sick to my stomach.
Shocking leaked documents just revealed the Supreme Court is planning to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Let me repeat that: The Supreme Court is on the precipice of ripping reproductive rights from every single woman in this country.

Sandeep, I don't say this lightly: This election just turned into the biggest fight for women's rights in our nation's history.

The only -- ONLY -- way to get justice is to win this election, protect the Democratic House and Senate, and replace every last anti-choice Republican who made this happen. I need a historic response to meet this earth-shattering moment -- 25,000 Democratic gifts before my FIRST End of Month Deadline since the announcement -- to send a message so powerful, so resounding, there can be no question of our opposition. Will you rush $100 to stand with me on the right side of history? >>

Chip in $337.50 immediately >>
Chip in $19 immediately >>
Chip in $24 immediately >>
Chip in $50 immediately >>
Chip in $100 immediately >>
Or chip in another amount >>

Thank you,

Raja represents Illinois in Congress.

The son of Indian immigrants, Raja grew up for a time on food stamps and in public housing. He knows the struggles countless Americans face every day.

Now, Raja is leading the fight in Congress on prescription drugs, climate change, election reform, and a more inclusive economy.

But Republican special interests are funnelling cash to defeat strong Democrats like Raja.

He's counting on grassroots supporters to keep this campaign running strong.

Can we count on you to chip in $10 so Raja can keep up the good fight in Congress?

Paid for by Friends of Raja

Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

If you believe you received this message in error or wish to no longer receive email from us, please unsubscribe.


Happy Memorial Day!


Dear Sandeep,

Memorial Day is our chance to thank and honor those who dedicated their lives to the service of our country. America was able to become the great and prosperous nation we see today thanks to the bravery and commitment that our service men and women have shown. Many of them are no longer with us, and today we should take the opportunity to remember their ultimate sacrifice.  To those who are injured or who have lost family members in the service of this country, our heart is with you. Our country owes our brave soldiers a debt that can never be repaid.

To those who have served or are serving today, thank you for your selflessness. We will always stand with you. 

Happy Memorial Day.






Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Republicans BURNED


Republicans are pouring in a SHOCKING amount of money to take back the House.

We're talking $35 million bucks already -- yikes!

So RIGHT NOW, I need you to make a choice.

-- You can sit like a bump on a log and let Republicans smother Democrats for doing the right thing.

-- Or you can step up, rush in $19, and ensure that Democrats can fight back against unfair Republican attacks. >>

I need 3,187 emergency gifts before Raja's End of Month Deadline.

Sandeep -- Don't be a bump on a log. Rush in $19 before Raja's End of Month Deadline in 48 hours.

Chip in $337.50 immediately >>
Chip in $19 immediately >>
Chip in $24 immediately >>
Chip in $50 immediately >>
Chip in $100 immediately >>
Or chip in another amount >>

Raja represents Illinois in Congress.

The son of Indian immigrants, Raja grew up for a time on food stamps and in public housing. He knows the struggles countless Americans face every day.

Now, Raja is leading the fight in Congress on prescription drugs, climate change, election reform, and a more inclusive economy.

But Republican special interests are funnelling cash to defeat strong Democrats like Raja.

He's counting on grassroots supporters to keep this campaign running strong.

Can we count on you to chip in $10 so Raja can keep up the good fight in Congress?

Paid for by Friends of Raja

Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

If you believe you received this message in error or wish to no longer receive email from us, please unsubscribe.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

please, Sandeep

Sandeep, I know it's a Saturday, but I couldn't wait to tell you:
I'm just 5,541 gifts away from hitting my End of Month goal!
I'm extremely humbled by the support you've offered me in this critical election year.
And I promise I'm fighting for you every day in Congress -- but I need your help to keep up the fight.

That's why I'm asking: Can I count on you to have my back in this crucial moment? It would mean the world to me if you would chip in $100 before my End of Month Deadline in 72 hours. Please, Sandeep, I need to hit my goal to fuel my fight in Congress. >>

Sandeep, this is critical.

Donald Trump just announced a $124 MILLION haul to destroy our Democratic Majorities.

That's the LARGEST war chest ever built by a former president.

And he's prepared to spend it all to make sure our Democrats never hold power again.

I'm fighting back -- but I can't do it alone. I'm asking from the bottom of my heart, Sandeep: Will you chip in $100 before my End of Month Deadline in 72 hours to SAVE our historic Majorities and make sure Trump and his radical allies NEVER hold power over us again? >>

Chip in $337.50 immediately >>
Chip in $19 immediately >>
Chip in $24 immediately >>
Chip in $50 immediately >>
Chip in $100 immediately >>
Or chip in another amount >>

Thank you so much,



Raja represents Illinois in Congress.

The son of Indian immigrants, Raja grew up for a time on food stamps and in public housing. He knows the struggles countless Americans face every day.

Now, Raja is leading the fight in Congress on prescription drugs, climate change, election reform, and a more inclusive economy.

But Republican special interests are funnelling cash to defeat strong Democrats like Raja.

He's counting on grassroots supporters to keep this campaign running strong.

Can we count on you to chip in $10 so Raja can keep up the good fight in Congress?

Paid for by Friends of Raja

Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

If you believe you received this message in error or wish to no longer receive email from us, please unsubscribe.