Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Hillary Clinton is warning us, Sandeep

Sandeep, I won't mince words. Donald Trump just became the frontrunner for President — and MAGA Republicans just became closer than ever to securing a Trifecta and dealing our Democracy a fatal below. That's why Hillary Clinton just spoke out and called EVERY grassroots activist to action to stop Trump's vile plans in their tracks. Can Hillary and I count on you to answer the call and rush in $100 before midnight? >>

Sandeep, I need you to see this immediately.

My Democratic colleagues and I worked relentlessly on the Oversight Committee to hold Donald Trump and his allies accountable for January 6.

Despite his threats to our Democracy, he just WON the critical New Hampshire primary and became the undisputed Republican FRONTRUNNER for President.

Hillary Clinton just sounded the alarm and called on EVERY grassroots Democrat to stop Trump and protect our Democracy from his extremism before it's too late:

Hillary Clinton: 'We're in a fight for... Democracy that we can't afford to lose'

Sandeep, you don't need me to tell you: Another Trump victory will END our Democracy as we know it. I need EVERY grassroots activist to answer Hillary's call before midnight — that's how critical this is. So please: Sandeep: Can you rush in $100 in the next 11 hours to show Trump and his far-right allies that we will NEVER let them barge back into power and take down our Democracy? >>

Chip in $100 immediately >>
Chip in $19 immediately >>
Chip in $24 immediately >>
Chip in $50 immediately >>
Chip in $100 immediately >>
Or chip in another amount >>

Thank you,



Raja represents Illinois in Congress.

The son of Indian immigrants, Raja grew up for a time on food stamps and in public housing. He knows the struggles countless Americans face every day.

Now, Raja is leading the fight in Congress on prescription drugs, climate change, election reform, and a more inclusive economy.

But Republican special interests are funnelling cash to defeat strong Democrats like Raja.

He's counting on grassroots supporters to keep this campaign running strong.

Can we count on you to chip in $10 so Raja can keep up the good fight in Congress?

Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Friends of Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

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