Monday, November 18, 2024

Raja Update 11/18


Dear Sandeep,

Yesterday, Congressman Raja joined CNN to discuss President-Elect Trump's nominations. He said, "The fact that they're kind of putting their head in the sand to avoid the FBI background checks to reveal [problems with their nominees] tells you all you need to know about whether these people should be confirmed."

On Friday, Congressman Raja was interviewed about the future of the Democratic party. He explained "Right now, [Democrats] are not connecting with people where they feel their most pain, which is how do they achieve their economic aspirations... we need to help them climb the 'up' escalator of the economy."

On Wednesday, Congressman Raja appeared on NewsNation for an interview regarding the future of U.S.-China relations. He said, "[the Chinese government has] become very aggressive... on a bipartisan basis, we're trying to make it clear that if you pursue aggression you're going to see countermeasures. Not only from us but our friends, partners, and allies too."

We will continue to bring you news about Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi's work in D.C. and Illinois.

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-Team Raja

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Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

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