Monday, March 21, 2022

Raja Update 3/21


Dear Sandeep,

We hope all is well with you and your family, and that you are safe and healthy.

This week, as the dire situation in Ukraine continues, Congressman Krishnamoorthi penned an op-ed in Newsweek reiterating the importance of standing behind the Ukrainian people. The Congressman wrote that, " we help the Ukrainian military turn back the Russian advance and hopefully bring the war to a rapid conclusion rooted in the recognition of Ukrainian sovereignty, we must also prepare for additional contingencies, including supporting Ukrainian insurgencies against the Russian invasion. That's why I've introduced the bipartisan Supplying Ukraine with Provisions to Protect against Ongoing Russian Threats (SUPPORT) Act to make it official United States policy to support Ukrainian insurgents opposing the Russian invasion."

Congressman Krishnamoorthi joined Lisa Dent and Steve Bertrand on Chicago's WGN Afternoon News to speak about Ukrainian President Zelenskyy's speech to Congress: "It was a stirring powerful speech and video. There were few dry eyes among us... it pushed everyone to resolve, to stand with President Zelenskyy and the people of Ukraine and do even more to help them now."

The Congressman also joined WLS to speak more about Ukraine, and when asked about the attacks against civilians in Ukraine he told the hosts that, "These are war crimes Pete, and they need to be called as such. The leadership of the Russian federation including Vladimir Putin needs to be personally held accountable. Secondly, we have to supply more armaments to our friends in Ukraine. This includes surface to air missile systems, it includes facilitating the transfer of fighter planes, it means facilitating the shipment of numerous other types of arms. Third, I've introduced legislation with my Republican counterpart Mike Turner, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee to prepare to support an insurgency right now. Obviously, I think the Ukrainian government is doing a tremendous job of fighting off the Russians, but should the Russians overrun the country we have to be ready right now to start supplying the armaments necessary to win in the end." 

The Congressman spoke with director of Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, John Shaw, for an interview on NPR's Simoncast. They spoke about Congressman Krishnamoorthi's professional background, his work in Congress, and other current affairs. John asked about the Congressman's work on the select subcommittee on COVID and the Congressman told him that, "We're in a lull, the omicron surge has receded and cases have dramatically fallen throughout the country, of course in Illinois, and we are all enjoying the respite from mask wearing... where we are going from here really depends on our global vaccination campaign and of course the rise in vaccination rates here in America."

The Congressman joined MSNBC's "The Choice" with host Zerlina Maxwell to provide insight into President Zelenskyy's speech and video message to US lawmakers as well. Zelina noted that the Congressman called President Zelenskyy the "face of freedom," and Congressman Krishnamoorthi added that, "I think there's a real resolve and a unity of purpose shared by Republicans and Democrats to do more to help him because I believe he is the face of freedom today and his fight in some ways is our fight for democracy, liberty, and the values we all share." 

The Congressman appeared on Fox 32 to share his thoughts on Vladimir Putin's actions, telling hosts that "He is an insidious, barbaric, authoritarian ruler and he has, I believe, committed war crimes in Ukraine -- attacking not only the military but civilian targets."

We will continue to bring you news about Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi's work in D.C. and Illinois.
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Team Raja

Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

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