Monday, April 18, 2022

Raja Update 4/18


Dear Friend,

We hope all is well with you and your family, and that you are safe and healthy.

This week, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi joined MSNBC host Alex Witt to discuss concerns about North Korea's recent tactical guided missile tests. When asked about the capabilities of North Korean missiles, the Congressman told Alex that, "They do have long range ICBM capability, but the way I look at this, Alex, is this looks like a nuclear temper tantrum to me. They know that the world is focused on Ukraine right now and they want to get attention focused back on them, but this should not in any way change our position with regard to our commitment to defend the South Koreans, or the Japanese, or of course our homeland."

Congressman Krishnamoorthi also appeared on CNN this week to discuss the ongoing conflict in Ukraine with host Fredricka Whitfield. When asked about his recent comments in support of escalating military aid to Ukraine, the Congressman told Fredricka, "I think that the only thing that Vladimir Putin respects is force, and the only thing that we can do to make sure he feels that force is to escalate and accelerate the shipment of arms to Ukrainians to make sure they beat him on the battlefield right now." He added, "by the way, I think the Ukrainians themselves have been incredibly resourceful, those nepute missiles that they fired at The Moskva were Ukrainian produced missiles and the Russians took a terrible toll in losing that ship." 

Congressman Raja joined the host of WLS radio to speak about his efforts calling on Congress to ban members from trading individual stocks. When asked about whether his focus was on reforming or outright banning members of Congress from trading, the Congressman explained that, "I'm talking about banning it -- I think at this point it has become akin to insider trading. As a member of Congress you have access to all kinds of information that the public doesn't have access to. As a consequence, when members trade stock, even if they didn't intend it, the appearance alone is one of them trading based on insider information. I think that really erodes trust in the institution." 

Congressman Krishnamoorthi's leadership on the investigation into the FDA failing to properly regulate harmful chemicals found in baby food was reported on in Politico this week as part of a long term investigative piece. The Congressman, chair of the subcommittee that has been investigating these hazardous pathogens in baby food and the FDA's lack of action, said that his government staff has repeatedly asked the FDA what the agency needs to move more quickly on this issue, and has not received a clear answer. Congressman Krishnamoorthi told Politico reporters that, "They're not moving fast enough... Now we really have to ask some searching questions: What's going on here? Why can't we get our act together? The people that they are responsible to, the American people, will not tolerate any more delay in this area."

Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi's ongoing investigation into the rampant discrimination and harassment by the Washington Football Team management continues to reveal further and more varied misconduct, this time including alleged financial improprieties. The Congressman spoke to ESPN reporters about recent developments in the investigation, explaining that, "Quite frankly, as you go through the allegations it reads like a description of some organization out of 'The Godfather' and not an NFL football team… It seems like every week or every time we speak with a witness we learn something new… At this point I won't be surprised about anything the witnesses say with regard to the team. Ownership thinks it can get away with things that other people can't." In addition to the egregious internal misconduct revealed by these investigations, the team leadership may have been engaged in a long-term pattern of financial conduct that victimized potentially tens of thousands of team fans and the NFL itself. Congressman Krishnamoorthi told reporters, "We're just finding a spaghetti of wrongdoing... Each time we talk to a witness, it seems like there's something else that we learn."

After learning the troubling detail in the process of reviewing the facts that the Washington Commanders, allegedly under directive from team owner Dan Snyder, improperly held on to up to $5 million in seat deposits from 2,000 fans and underreported a significant amount of ticket revenue to the NFL, the Congressman told Crain's Chicago Business reporters that "The Washington team was cooking the books... I hope the FTC reads it and investigates. The letter describes some pretty bad stuff." Congressman Krishnamoorthi spoke to FOX 5 DC reporters about this issue as well, telling interviewers that, "If they want to bring forward any additional information they should do it, if the Washington Football team wants to do the same they should do it, but they have a lot of explaining to do."

We will continue to bring you news about Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi's work in D.C. and Illinois.
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Team Raja

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Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
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