Monday, May 22, 2023

Raja Update 5/22


Dear Sandeep,

We hope all is well with you and your family, and that you are safe and healthy. 

This week, Congressman Raja joined Chuck Todd on Meet the Press to discuss how a potential debt default could impact our leadership around the world and our relationship with China, cautioning that "Xi Jinping and others are rooting for a default on America's debt because at the end of the day, they want to undermine the US Dollar." The Congressman stated that "we should never ever be in a situation where the full faith and credit of the dollar is questioned, and therefore it's vital that we not default on our debt, we pay all of our obligations, and we move forward."

Congressman Raja spoke with Jake Tapper on CNN to discuss Beijing-mediated peace talks in Ukraine, expressing doubt that anything will come of them because the Chinese plan "still recognizes Russian aggression in Ukraine by recognizing their claims to Ukrainian land," adding that "unless [the Chinese] call for a pullback of those troops, there won't be a peace deal." In terms of supporting Ukraine, the Congressman stressed that the US is "trying to work with our allies and partners in the region to provide [Ukraine] with the armaments they require," adding that he feels it is "logical to provide the Ukrainians with the next-level weapon to be able to deter attacks... and to punish attacks coming from those further regions" in Russia.

On Thursday, Congressman Raja once again expressed his frustration with the Census Bureau and how it routinely undercounts the Illinois population. He stated, "I'm extremely disappointed to see another Census Bureau population update arrive without the agency implementing the methodological changes it has been reviewing since it found last year that the 2020 Census had undercounted Illinois and that the state's population had actually grown to an all-time high."

Also this week, The China Project interviewed Congressman Raja about the House Select Committee on China, on which he is the ranking member. When asked about what the Committee will be working on, the Congressman stated: "I think that we're going to be diving in on some other issues, for instance, hardening supply chains, for instance, how do we actually intend to work with our partners and friends and allies on other issues to deepen our partnerships, but at the same time create rules of the road with regard to engagement for the P.R.C. because the CCP is constantly looking for differences and wedge issues to divide us from our partners and allies."

We will continue to bring you news about Raja's work in D.C. and Illinois.

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Team Raja

Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

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