Saturday, August 12, 2023

I am defeating Republican cowards

EVERY STATE is the first Democratic PAC fighting Republican Extremism & electing Democrats in all 50 states. If you'd like to unsubscribe, click here and you will be removed from our activist list.
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Many of our elected officials can be described as one word: Cowards.

Our kids, our planet, our freedoms, our democracy — are all under attack by far-right extremists, from the State House to the U.S. Senate, who are willing to watch our planet burn and children be slaughtered at school for their own personal gain.

We refuse to back down.

After the massacre at my high school, there were many who dismissed our efforts to pass gun laws in a state "owned" by the NRA. We proved them wrong.

During the 2018 Midterms, there were many who said young people like me would never vote. They said we would never defeat the NRA‑backed Republicans. We proved them wrong.

When Maxwell Frost, March For Our Lives' first National Organizing Director, launched his campaign for Congress, there were many who said a Gen Z candidate could never be elected. We proved them wrong.

Badass young people have a habit of being underestimated — and I have a habit of scaring the shit out of Republicans by proving that, while we might be young, we are powerful.

But we can't get complacent: With the 2024 Presidential Election right around the corner, Republicans are mobilizing like never before. From abortion bans, to voter suppression, to attacking Trans kids, to repealing life‑saving, common sense gun laws, if we let Republicans win, our children's & grandchildren's futures are in jeopardy.

We can't fight back without your support. It will take serious resources to stop Republicans by electing young leaders dedicated to making our country safer. But that's why I created Leaders We Deserve. Through recruitment, campaign support, volunteer networks, and paid media campaigns, we're ready to bring the most powerful, young movement of leaders to Congress & state legislatures across the country. Are you with me?

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In gratitude,

David Hogg
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Thank you for supporting EVERY STATE. We are the only Democratic organization fighting Republican Extremism with a 50–state strategy. Our team is working to retake the House, expand the Senate majority, and re-elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!


Sandeep, our 50-state strategy fighting Republican Extremism could have the greatest impact on the make–up of Congress. These emails are a crucial way to keep Democrats and grassroots supporters up to date on our movement. If you believe this was sent in error, or if you no longer wish to receive these emails, click here to unsubscribe and you will be removed from our activist list.

4315 50th Street NW, Suite 100-7119
Washington, DC 20016


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