Wednesday, July 8, 2020

NBC just reported:

"What we've seen is a very disturbing week" - Dr. Anthony Fauci

I'm stunned at how this President and White House have spiraled out of control.

FIRST: President Trump blocked Dr. Fauci from testifying in front of my committee in Congress about the truth of this virus.

THEN: Trump admitted to trying to slow down testing for his own political gain.

NOW: I just learned that Coronavirus cases are rising in 40 out of 50 states due to this President's failure of leadership.

Sandeep, I refuse to let this President silence our experts any longer. We cannot be kept in the dark.

If Trump won't tell the truth, Dr. Fauci MUST be able to testify in front of my Committee in Congress. I urgently need 10,000 Democrats to stand with me before midnight to demand immediate accountability and action on this President's botched Coronavirus response. >>




I've worked tirelessly to protect us from this Administration's negligence.

I went after companies selling fraudulent Coronavirus antibody tests.

And I've exposed how this Administration allowed hundreds of junk tests to flood our country on CBS's 60 Minutes.

But that alone isn't enough to hold the President accountable.

Dr. Fauci is the only one who can expose the President's shortcomings.

We need his testimony to fully comprehend and address this crisis.

I need 10,000 signatures before midnight DEMANDING Dr. Fauci be allowed to testify in front Congress and share the truth about this President. Can you sign right now?


Raja represents Illinois in Congress.

The son of Indian immigrants, Raja grew up for a time on food stamps and in public housing. He knows the struggles countless Americans face every day.

Now, Raja is leading the fight in Congress on prescription drugs, climate change, election reform, and a more inclusive economy.

But Republican special interests are funnelling cash to defeat strong Democrats like Raja.

He's counting on grassroots supporters to keep this campaign running strong.

Can we count on you to chip in $10 so Raja can keep up the good fight in Congress?

Paid for by Friends of Raja

Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

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