Did you know, we have over 400,000 hotels on our site that offer free cancellation? It's always great to have the flexibility to change or cancel your stay if something comes up. That's why, for peace of mind, we recommend you choose the free cancellation⁴ option whenever it's available.
Book with confidence - free cancellation on most hotels | Step 1 Enter the relevant details for your stay to search for properties. | | Step 2 Filter your search results by selecting the 'Free cancellation' option and choose a property. | | Step 3 Select a room option that offers free cancellation and remember to check the cancellation policy before you book. | FIND YOUR STAY |
Can't make it? It's easy to cancel online. Simply go to your bookings page, and select 'Get help from our virtual agent' to change or cancel your booking. For any other queries, you will be redirected to a live agent. Can't make it? It's easy to cancel online. If you need help, simply access your upcoming booking by signing in. Select 'Get help from our virtual agent' if you want to change or cancel your booking. For any other queries, you'll be redirected to a live agent. |
| Booking protection Travel Insurance is now available for domestic and international bookings. Just add insurance to your trip when you complete your booking (it's optional). | FIND OUT MORE Travel insurance may provide coverage for COVID-19 diagnosed illness. Trip cancellation due to government travel advisories or fear of travel is not covered. COVID-19 is a foreseen event and certain other coverages will not apply. Learn more. |
Why book with Hotels.com? Free cancellation on most hotels4 |
COVID-19 Travel Alert Please check government advisories before booking and traveling |
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