Monday, January 10, 2022

Raja Update 1/10


Dear Sandeep,

We hope all is well with you and your family, and that you are safe and healthy. This week marked the 1 year remembrance of the January 6th insurrection at the US Capitol. Consequently, many media outlets and others asked the Congressman to share his thoughts about this dark day.

Congressman Krishnamoorthi joined the hosts of Chicago's WGNTV to discuss the January 6th insurrection. Recalling the events, the Congressman said that, "It was a dark day for democracy, 2000 people violently breached the capitol. In my particular case I will never forget the sound of Capitol police pounding on my office door. It turns out they discovered a bomb about 200 feet from my office window. The scars from that day run deep and we are still dealing with the consequences of that."

The Congressman also appeared alongside University of Chicago professor Robert Pape and former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe for a discussion titled: "Protecting American Democracy: Lessons from the Capitol Riot" hosted by Washington Post reporter Hannah Allam for the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics. When asked about trends of radicalization, Congressman Krishnamoorthi remarked, "I'm a racial, religious, and ethnic minority with twenty-nine letters in my name and I'm an immigrant as well. These folks may not find me to their liking, however with regard to criminals and white supremacists I don't think we compromise or yield to them in the least."

In a WBEZ radio interview, the Congressman echoed his other remarks when asked about what has and has not changed in regards to the events of January 6th. When asked about a recent NPR poll showing that about 64% of Americans believe our democracy is in crisis, the Congressman remarked that, "I think it is fragile… If anything, January 6th is a day when we remember the fragility of democracy."

The Congressman also joined the hosts of Fox32, and when asked how he is able to make his message resonate with citizens that believe the election was stolen, he responded, "It might be possible that we don't connect with some of those people and we may not be able to convince them. I think there are a lot of people that are perhaps not identifying themselves as Republicans or Democrats who do see what happened as a horrible attack on our democracy… I'm hoping that they and everyone else who has connections to that minority continues to convince and persuade them."

Congressman Krishnamoorthi spoke with host Craig Dellimore on WBBM News Radio Today on his experience after the January 6th insurrection as well. The Congressman depicted the troubling scene on his flight returning to Illinois: "I also remember us going all the way until 3:42 in the morning to certify the election. I then jumped on the first plane to come back, and there was a, I would call her an insurrectionist, sitting right next to me on the plane scrolling through her pictures of inside the Capitol after she had breached."

During an interview with the hosts of CBS 2 Chicago, the Congressman was asked for his thoughts on the Illinoisan sentenced to jail time and his thoughts on the prosecution of other insurrectionists. Congressman Krishnamoorthi told the hosts that, "When people don't feel the consequences of their actions then they feel like they can do it again, and so I'm concerned about that."

We will continue to bring you news about Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi's work in D.C. and Illinois. 
Please visit for more updates as well.

Team Raja



Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

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