Monday, January 24, 2022

Raja Update 1/24


Dear Sandeep,

We hope all is well with you and your family, and that you are safe and healthy. 

This week, the Congressman held Nebraska Governor Steve Ricketts accountable for his positions on Nebraska's COVID-19 response and mask mandate. In a clip shared by Omaha's 6 News, Congressman Krishnamoorthi questioned Governor Ricketts, "You told local government officials that they won't get federal coronavirus relief funding if they require individuals to wear face masks in government buildings... have you withheld any coronavirus funding from either the county or the city?" Governor Ricketts replied that he has not. 

The Congressman also joined host Jake Tapper on CNN to discuss progress on President Biden's spending plan. When asked about the path forward, Congressman Krishnamoorthi told Jake, "I think that there are a few provisions that are very important, I hear even Senator Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema support, for instance prescription drug price reform, Universal Pre-K... and climate change provisions, which are essential if we're going to actually cut greenhouse gas emissions by fifty percent by 2050. So, perhaps it's not BBB, but if we can get one or two B's I think that would be a success."

The New York Times' editorial board member Michelle Cottle reported on the Congressman's work on H.R. 1579, the Ban Conflicted Trading Act, a bill that would that would outright ban lawmakers and senior staff members from trading individual stocks. The Congressman has been a leading voice on this issue since a recent report that revealed dozens of members of Congress have violated the reporting requirements on trading stock.

Congressman Krishnamoorthi joined the hosts of the Opening Arguments podcast, Andrew Torrez and Thomas Smith, to discuss a number of relevant topics during the interview that begins at the twenty minute mark. When asked about voting rights, the Congressman told the hosts that "It's not the result we wanted. Perhaps this whole debate and the issue of voting rights should have been brought up much sooner.. If there's a silver lining on any of this, I can point to a couple possibly. One is, we now have everyone on the record... a lot of votes moved into the pro-filibuster reform column. So now we're left with two: namely Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin... and so now we have to hold them to account." 

We will continue to bring you news about Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi's work in D.C. and Illinois. 
Please visit for more updates as well.

Team Raja



Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

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