Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Raja Update 1/18


Dear Sandeep,

We hope all is well with you and your family, and that you are safe and healthy. 

This week, Congressman Krishnamoorthi continued his work to eliminate harmful chemicals in food as part of his work on the House Oversight and Reform Committee. "FDA is tasked with ensuring the safety of our nation's food supply, but over multiple administrations the agency has fallen short in protecting vulnerable Americans from the pernicious effects of foods contaminated with phthalates," The Congressman wrote. "FDA must not allow these dangerous chemicals to continue to hurt American families."

The Congressman appeared on WTTW Chicago Tonight alongside Congressman Mike Quigley and Congresswoman Cheri Bustos to discuss voting rights as well as the state of Omicron. On voting rights, the Congressman said that, "The stakes are so high. The filibuster was primarily used in the Jim Crow era to basically obstruct the rights of people to vote and it's being used again in precisely that way -- to prevent the John Lewis voting rights act as well as Joe Manchin's Freedom to Vote act from moving forward. I think the most likely path here is to get the Democratic caucus to unanimously adopt a carveout [in the filibuster rules] to allow this particular piece of legislation to move forward. I'm hopeful that Joe Manchin would be very supportive of that particular measure." 

Congressman Krishnamoorthi joined the hosts of "Cleanup on Aisle 45" Allison Gill and Andrew Torrez, and when asked to share his thought about accountability for the insurrectionists of January 6th the Congressman said that, "Clearly there was forethought here, there was intelligent planning with regard to what happened. We don't even have the bomb makers in custody. We still don't know who planted them or who made them. This is deeply disconcerting. All that being said, I do believe the Attorney General when he says he will be going after all these other people, and perhaps within their investigation they have leads. My only request is: we have to hustle. It has to be a 24/7 operation at this point." 

Congressman Krishnamoorthi joined Fox Business' program Making Money with Charles Payne to discuss the issue of whether or not lawmakers should be able to trade stocks. The Congressman told Charles, "Even if we follow all the current rules, disclosing all your stock trades and so forth, it creates a huge appearance of impropriety issues. Meaning, people just assume that you're trading based on inside information that we gained from our investigations, our classified hearings and briefings, and we can't have that anymore."

The Congressman joined WGN radio to discuss recent news that the Federal Government is moving to mandate insurance companies to pay for up to ten test kits per individual. Congressman Krishnamoorthi commented that, "The only way we're going to stay safe in this pandemic is, obviously to get vaccinated, but also to regularly test given the variants such as Omicron that have come up and the need to keep the schools and the businesses open and our economy open. We can't ever go into lockdown again and the best way to prevent that is taking these measures." 

WGN radio also reported on the Congressman making an announcement about distribution of funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that will help repair bridges in Congressman Krishnamoorthi's district. The Congressman said that, "We travel across these bridges all the time and we're always wondering what's going to happen, what's going to happen tomorrow, what's going to happen when we least expect it, and so today we're taking a step in the right direction to prevent catastrophe." 

The Congressman has also called for a review of faulty census data, which reportedly has been inaccurate in regards to Illinois' population for more than a decade. In order to address this concern, Congressman Krishnamoorthi penned a letter to Census Bureau Director Robert Santos, which begins with the request: "In light of the statistical gaps between the 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) and 2020 Census results, I'm writing to ask that you expand the Census Bureau's review of the 2020 ACS methodology beyond the impact of the coronavirus pandemic to a broader review of modernizing, updating, and improving the ACS to provide data more reflective of reality on the ground and more closely aligned with the decennial census."

We will continue to bring you news about Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi's work in D.C. and Illinois. 
Please visit rajaforcongress.com for more updates as well.

Team Raja



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Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

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