Monday, March 6, 2023

Raja Update 3/6


Dear Sandeep,

We hope all is well with you and your family, and that you are safe and healthy. 

This week, Congressman Raja joined Wolf Blizter on CNN to preview the committee's first hearing held on Tuesday. The Congressman told Wolf, "The committee is going to focus on the technological, military, and economic security of the United States, and the challenges the Chinese Communist Party has posed in those different fields. Long-term, we hope to take next steps to deal with those challenges—hopefully on a bipartisan basis—and then with the appropriate committees of jurisdiction, both Leader Jeffries and Speaker McCarthy have asked us to try to usher legislation through those appropriate committees to deal with the threats." 

On Tuesday, Congressman Raja joined Jake Tapper and colleague Congressman Mike Gallagher on CNN to discuss the committee's first hearing being held later that evening. The Congressman told Jake, "One of the issues that we're probably going to talk about tonight is the economic issues and the trade issues that have ended up hollowing out the manufacturing sectors in the heartland...because of unfair trade practices, because of industrial espionage, because of forced technology transfer that many of our small and other businesses must engage in order to do business in the People's Republic of China." The Congressman later emphasized, "We want to make sure that at the same time we make our differences known with the Chinese Communist Party, that we set aside the people of China, or people of Chinese origin, or Asian Americans, because we don't want to in any way encourage the stereotype, or discrimination, or tropism, that often infects our conversations in regards to the PRC...our quarrel is not with the people of China or Chinese origin people. We need to stand up to the threats and challenges posed by the Chinese Communist Party." 

On Wednesday, Congressman Raja joined José Díaz-Balart on MSNBC to discuss his insights on the first Select Committee hearing on the Chinese Communist Party. The Congressman told José, "I thought the witnesses were extremely articulate and presented different facets of the challenges that the CCP poses, whether it's with regard to human rights abuses, whether it's with regard to the economic situation or with regard to our national security. The other big takeaway is that I think Members on both sides asked some very intelligent and tough questions about a very serious subject, and largely kept partisanship out of the mix, which is really important to me." 

We will continue to bring you news about Raja's work in D.C. and Illinois.

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Team Raja

Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

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