RAJA JUST NOW ON CBS: "Sending a piece of mail shouldn't be a game of chance. I'm disappointed with Postmaster General DeJoy's plan, and I intend to fight it with my DEJOY Act." We need to act NOW. -- The post office is in critical danger of going bankrupt. -- Trump's Postmaster General DeJoy is still in charge. -- He just threatened to cut mail delivery by 30 percent. And Trump himself already admitted that if we lose the House, he WILL run for President. There's a lot on the line here, Sandeep. Small businesses are counting on the USPS to get their packages out. Everyday Americans are relying on swift mail delivery for life saving medications. And if DeJoy gets his way now, vote by mail will slow to a crawl in the midterms.
Raja represents Illinois in Congress. The son of Indian immigrants, Raja grew up for a time on food stamps and in public housing. He knows the struggles countless Americans face every day. Now, Raja is leading the fight in Congress on prescription drugs, climate change, election reform, and a more inclusive economy. But Republican special interests are funneling cash to defeat strong Democrats like Raja. He's counting on grassroots supporters to keep this campaign running strong. Can we count on you to chip in $10 so Raja can keep up the good fight in Congress?
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