Monday, April 19, 2021

Raja Update 4.19.21


Dear Sandeep,

We hope all is well with you and your family, and that you are safe and healthy.

Congressman Raja appeared on MSNBC on Saturday to share his opinions on the America First caucus. "It sounds like the Ku Klux Caucus to me. I don't understand where we're going, are we going to have the pro-hate caucus and the stormtrooper caucus? Marjorie Taylor Greene and Steve King, in forming this caucus, are basically catering to the malcontents of America, like David Duke and others."

Earlier this week Real Clear Politics wrote about the Congressman's questioning of Dr. Fauci during a House Oversight subcommittee hearing. "Dr. Fauci, the number one Facebook post today about vaccines is Tucker Carlson's, suggesting they don't work, going back to our exchange from before. There are calls now to take down his post by Facebook, because it's become the most engaged post and fueling the anti-vaxxer movement online."

Congressman Krishnamoorthi was also interviewed by BBC News about the new sanctions being placed on Russia by the Biden administration. "Right now we're trying to make it clear that there needs to be a price paid for the various infractions ranging from election interference to what's happened with the solar winds hack and so forth. It sends a very strong message that this particular administration is not going to be the same as the prior one."

KUTV wrote about Congressman Raja's SAFE CARS Act which would reduce the presence of recalled cars on the road. "It's just too bad that it takes an investigative reporter to kind of shine a light on something other government employees should have fixed a long time ago. We have to fix this right now. That's our duty, that's why our constituents hire us, to make sure that we, at the least, keep people safe."

We will continue to bring you news about Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi's work in D.C. and Illinois. 

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Team Raja





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Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
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