Friday, June 24, 2022

Secretary Jesse White Gives Raja Distinguished Leadership Award


Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi received the Distinguished Leadership Award from Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, who said the following: 

"You have dedicated your life to serving Illinois in various capacities … Your personal journey has been an inspiration to those in Illinois and throughout the United States … In honor of your outstanding career and dedication to public service, I present you with the one-of-a-kind personalized license plate: 'RAJA'. I hope it serves as a reminder of our gratitude for your exception service to this state and our nation"

Making remarks after receiving the award, Congressman Raja said "I'm grateful for this award and the inspiration Secretary White has provided and continues to provide for everyone committed to public service." 

The award follows a nearly 20 year long career that Raja has had serving Illinois, from helping root out corruption as a member of the state Attorney General's office, to his 6 years fighting for Illinoisans in Congress.

Please spread news of this endorsement to your friends and family and remember to cast your vote for Raja Krishnamoorthi on or before Election Day on June 28th!




Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

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