Monday, February 27, 2023

📎 SIGNATURE REQUESTED from Sandeep Dixit

Republican Senator Ron Johnson: Social Security is a "Ponzi scheme"

Quickly, Sandeep -- I need 10,000 signatures on my petition to stop Republicans from making cuts to our Social Security. Will you sign ASAP? >>

Sandeep, I'll be blunt:

Top GOP Senator Ron Johnson just called Social Security a "Ponzi scheme."

Let me be clear:

Johnson and his Republican allies want to change the way programs like Social Security and Medicare are funded.

And if we don't respond, Social Security for millions of seniors who've paid into it their entire lives will be at risk.

So I just launched an emergency Social Security petition -- and I need your signature ASAP to protect it.

Before midnight: I need to gather 10,000 signatures in support of Social Security to send the loudest and most powerful message we can. Will you sign before midnight? >>

Thank you,


P.S. Last week, I joined progressive leaders across Illinois to send a message that tells Republicans they cannot cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Education, and other vital programs Americans rely on. So please, Sandeep, will you sign my emergency petition to make this message clear? >>

Raja with progressive leaders

Raja represents Illinois in Congress.

The son of Indian immigrants, Raja grew up for a time on food stamps and in public housing. He knows the struggles countless Americans face every day.

Now, Raja is leading the fight in Congress on prescription drugs, climate change, election reform, and a more inclusive economy.

But Republican special interests are funnelling cash to defeat strong Democrats like Raja.

He's counting on grassroots supporters to keep this campaign running strong.

Can we count on you to chip in $10 so Raja can keep up the good fight in Congress?

Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress

Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
United States

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