Monday, January 11, 2021

Raja Update 1.11.21


Dear Sandeep,

We hope all is well with you and your family, and that you are safe and healthy.

Last week, we watched as the U.S. Capitol - the beating heart of our democracy, our most hallowed institution - was attacked and ransacked, not by some foreign adversary, but by supporters of the President, in a desperate attempt to overturn the election results and harm his opponents.  After being evacuated to a secure location, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi and his staff were thankfully physically unharmed, but the damage done to our democracy and our country is grave.

The Congressman spoke with WBEZ on Wednesday about the harrowing events that day. "In this country we believe in a peaceful transfer of power, and unfortunately, our president may not believe in that … Right now, we need to speak with one voice, that violence is never acceptable, it's never tolerable. Secondly, the election was over months ago. It's time to move on, and we need to peacefully transition power to the next president, and the next president and vice-president, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, are going to have to unify our country and bring us together."

On Thursday, Congressman Raja spoke with MSNBC about what comes next as members of Congress consider steps to limit President Trump's powers to prevent further violence. "The option of doing nothing is not feasible right now, given what has transpired in the last 48 hours. I think there are a lot of Republicans who feel that way too."

Congressman Krishnamoorthi also spoke with NPR on Saturday about the possibility of impeaching President Trump. "What happened on January 6, this past Wednesday, might not be the end of the insurrection but the beginning, and I think there's a gut feeling that there's so many unanswered questions about what happened that he remains a clear and present danger to our country right now … Given the outrage and the sense of betrayal and of course the grief, doing nothing is not an option."

We will continue to bring you news about this grave situation.

Please visit for more updates as well.

Team Raja





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Raja for Congress
PO Box 681202
Schaumburg, IL 60168
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